A Day in the Life

A Photoblog by Joel

Black Friday

November 27, 2020

It’s 2020. COVID Thanksgiving was yesterday and it was great – just our family. At the end of the day I was staring down 3 more days of being in the house all day and that just wasn’t looking fun. So I decided we’d go for a day trip. Alicia had to work so it was just me and the littles. We packed up my GX470 and headed towards Central Utah.

First Stop – Pit Stop. This was near the summit of Spanish Fork Canyon, AKA Soldier Summit. It was kinda chilly but there was a train to check out and we couldn’t pass that up.
Stopped here for lunch, in Wellington. I just love how Emmett and Elle are such good friends.
See, Emily was there too.

After lunch we still had a good 90 minutes before our destination. About 45 minutes in we stopped at a park in Huntington and had a great time. It was warmer than Soldier Summit was, the sky was clear, no wind – a perfect day to play at an empty park.

Emmett called this his Parkour Course.
Emily wasn’t scared at all to climb up the steps and go down the slides.

Finally, we were on the home stretch to our destination – The Wedge, about 20 miles east of Castle Dale. Once you turn off the highway there’s a long dirt road you go down to get there. It’s well maintained, though, so it’s easy to bounce along at 45mph. Until you see a hill that looks fun to climb.

And now, after all that – we made it to The Wedge. But you’re not gonna see that just yet. I’ve got a couple panoramas I need to edit up and then you can see where we went. Unless you’re reading this a week or so after I post this and you saw the panorama before you saw this post since Blogs go back in time. Hello, time traveler.

Look! I was there too.

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